A fandom fundraiser to bring awareness to Myalgic Encephalopathy (commonly know as ME or CFS) and aid research, run by SweetLovinCullen & TwiLucy_UK.


Second Proposal: A Desperate Housewife's Escape Futuretake.


Edward asked Bella off the cuff and she accepted but he wanted to give Bella a proper proposal. 
The proposal the love of his life deserved.


“Edward, I’m ready.”

He turned to face me and his face broke out into that beautiful crooked smile. The same one I’d seen on that fateful day when he’d knocked on my door. “Bella, you look stunning.”

I blushed and shuffled my feet. “Thank Alice for that. She picked everything out for me.”

Edward smiled and kissed me. “Remind me to give her a call later.”

 I laughed as Edward took my hand in his, that same jolt ran through me and it felt right. After so much hurt I was with the person I was meant to be. As I walked out the house I froze when I saw the car on the drive. “Where did that come from?”

Edward shrugged. “I had it dropped off while you were getting ready; I want you to arrive in style.”
“Wow, thank you.”

Edward smiled as he opened the door of the Aston Martin for me. I slipped in and he shut the door softly. He climbed in and took my head in his as he drove out my drive. “So, where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” 

I rolled my eyes. “You and your surprises.”

Edward laughed. “Better get used to it, baby. I won’t be changing.”



This is a series of 10 vignettes linked to the historical drama/romance Plight Thee My Troth, written from Bella's POV. They range in time from when Bella is 12 (in 1785) to the consummation of her marriage (in 1795).

Bella is the youngest daughter of a knight – although knighthoods in this era were easily come by and had absolutely nothing to do with shining armour or valour. Sir Charles Swan, father of Rose and Isabella and provider for their mother, Wren, is a bad parent with many secrets. His friend, William Black (gentleman vicar of the village of Seat) is a gentleman and vicar in social standing only.


“Did you get it?” I ask. Rose nods, her eyes alight with mischief.

“Look! Here it is.”

“Let me see too!” says Alice. All three of us crowd on to the bed. Rose sits in the centre with the likeness on her lap. We stare, entranced.

“Look at his chest! It looks so hard and firm.”

“Well, it is made of marble, or some such,” says Rose, tongue in cheek.

“I wish it was bigger. I am trying to see what he has down there, but it is so small,” whispers Alice. I blush, my cheeks feel scalded – why does this happen to me and not my sisters?

I count Alice as my sister now. Even though she is older than I am, she is like the little sister I never had.

Rose traces the outline of the statue with her slim index finger.

“You just touched his bottom.”

“Alice!” Rose and I whisper exclaim at once. She is so silly sometimes.

“Well, you did. I wish we could see his back properly, too.”

“What is that around there? Is it supposed to be hair? Do men have hair down there too?” I peer closely at the image, but it is very difficult to make sense of the different parts.

“It is hard to tell, isn't it?” answers Rose.

“That lump underneath…that is his testes. I have seen a bull's testes in the kitchen on more than one occasion,” says Alice. Rose and I both look at her, shocked.

“Have you?” whispers Rose.

“Yes.” Alice looks proud of herself.

“I like his legs,” I say. Alice and Rose peer at them closely.

“I like them too. They look very strong,” says Rose.

“Very strong,” Alice echoes.

“And his shoulders are nice too. He has a lot of muscles in his arms,” I say.

Alice and Rose nod their agreement.

“His feet look very manly.”

“They do,” says Alice.

We fall silent, contemplating the image of David in front of us. How daring of Michelangelo, to sculpt him nude.



This is a continuation of my one-shot called Twilight on the Prairie. This story picks up after Edward proposed and extends through their marriage consummation.


He continued to stare at the floor. "It's not your fault, Bella. I-I shouldn't have come here unannounced. I think this was a mistake," he replied while shaking his head.
My heart clinched in my chest and tears sprang to my eyes. "W-Why would you say that?" I asked with watery words.
My tears must've broken through whatever emotion he was feeling because his panicked eyes shot up to mine in an instant. With two long strides, he was in front of me and pulling me into his arms. "Please, don't cry. I misspoke… I'm not thinking clearly at the moment." As he ran one hand through my hair and the other down my back, he moaned softly into my neck and tried to explain. "It's just… you're… I mean…"
I'd never heard Edward stumble over his words in such a way. Whatever was bothering him must have been very disturbing.
"Please, Edward. Just tell me," I begged as his grip in my hair tightened. Even though the pull was a little uncomfortable, his forcefulness made me tingle with desire.
He leaned down and brushed his lips against my throat before making a trail of gentle nips and kisses up to my ear. The feeling that surged through my body from his rough and tender ministrations was like nothing I'd ever felt. 
As I began to melt into his arms, he growled in my ear with pure desire. "Bella, you're standing in the moonlight with nothing on but a thin, summer nightgown… I could… I can see you, baby."
I gasped in surprise when I realized what he was saying; he could see me… all of me. Had I known that he was coming tonight, I would have at least put on a pair of pantaloons, but as it were, I was completely bare beneath my gown. The heat of the summer and balmy nights made sleeping in "less" a necessity.
He pulled back from my ear, panting. "Please don't be ashamed, Bella. You are truly beautiful… so beautiful that I'm afraid I need to say goodnight now before things get out of hand."
After a lingering kiss to my forehead, he meant to step away from me, but I stopped him. 
"Please, Edward. Don’t go," I pleaded as I looked into his dark, lust-filled eyes and ran my hands roughly through his hair. I remembered what happened a few moments ago when he pulled my hair, so I wanted to see if I could produce the same effect in him. "Just stay with me for a little while," I demanded before pressing my body to his and kissing along his Adam's apple and neck.
How could I have known that I was playing with a scorching fire?



Edward is an ex-con trying to adjust to life again on the outside, but he's not having an easy time of it. He's estranged from his family, he's practically an outcast in society, and the only love he'd ever known and only woman to have given him a chance after his stint in jail, Bella, had left him. Heartbroken, feeling disowned and in despair, living in destitution, and disillusioned about life, he feels he could no longer go on–he attempts to end his life. But, as he comes to find out, all is not loss, and Bella is his saving grace–with her is where he belongs all along.


Carlisle, as I expected, followed me down the stairs, yelling things at me that I barely registered into my consciousness. I never bothered to address my raging father and never made eye-contact with him. I just kept on walking towards the front door.

I reached the front door and took one last glance back at the only home I ever knew. With a deep breath and a heavy heart, I opened the door and walked out.

That was the last time the Cullen family, my family, had seen nor heard from me.



An elderly Edward Cullen tells his grandchildren the story of how he met their grandmother, Isabella Swan, in the summer of 1976. 


“Papa, Papa!” Mike and Angela raced into the room, jumping on my lap and throwing their arms around my neck. I laughed and squeezed them into a hug. Tyler and Jane trailed behind, toting around their now-empty Christmas stockings.

“What kind of trouble have you four been getting into?” I winked at Mike and he gave me a lopsided grin. Charlotte always said they knew which side of the family his grin came from. In fact, I’d venture to guess our mouths mirrored each other in that moment.

“Who’s this, grandpa?” Tyler reached in his stocking and pulled out a rusted picture frame. He handed it to me and I turned it over, smiling immediately.

“I see you kids were up in the attic?” My observation was met with silence as four pairs of wide eyes gazed up at me. I would never forget the day this picture was taken. Bella had her head tipped back and she was laughing uncontrollably. I had my hands wrapped around her waist and my face buried in her neck, and if you looked close enough, you could see the edge of my own smile against her skin.  The Pacific Ocean stretched out behind us, with the rays of the sunset dancing across the water. Rose was behind the camera, and somewhere off to the side Emmett, Jasper, and Alice were busy constructing a bonfire. When I closed my eyes, I could still smell the mixture of salty ocean air, patchouli, and marijuana that was Bella back then.

“Well, grandpa? Who is it?” Mike settled onto my lap and rested his head against my chest, looking down at the photo.

“That’s me and your grandma the summer we met,” I explained, using my sleeve to wipe some of the dust and grime off the glass.

That’s grandma?” Angela looked at the picture in awe. I chuckled and tugged on her ponytail.

“Of course that’s your grandma. Haven’t your parents shown you any of the pictures from when they grew up?” Angela shook her head “no,” eliciting a surprised gasp from me. “Well, it’s about time we changed that now, isn’t it? If you two let me up for a minute, I can show you all sorts of pictures of your grandma and me.”

Mike and Angela scooted off my lap and settled on the floor next to their cousins. I crossed the room and scanned over the photo albums that lined one shelf in our large bookcase. I grabbed two of them and made my way back to the Lay-Z-Boy. I was about to sit down when a thought crossed my mind. I could show the kids the albums and let them leaf through page upon page of pictures of Bella and me and our closest friends. Or I could use the pictures to take them on a journey through the first summer of my courtship with their grandmother. 

“How about I get us all hot chocolate and some of grandma’s gingerbread cookies, and tell you how your grandma and I met?” 
